Why should you try acupuncture?
The top 10 reasons to try acupuncture:
- Acupuncturists treat each person as a holistic being. Every atom, cell and organ is interconnected and functions as an integrated whole.
- Acupuncture awakens the body's ability to heal itself.
- Acupuncture supports and strengthens the body's immune system.
- Acupuncture is an effective preventative medicine with no negative side-effects.
- Acupuncture assists with the recovery from addictions such as drugs, alcohol and smoking.
- Acupuncture can treat over 50 western medical diseases, disorders and syndromes including pain, arthritis, infertility, headaches, allergies and anxiety.
- Acupuncture is excellent for stress relief.
- Acupuncture is an affordable alternative.
- Acupuncture is safe and relatively painless.
- Acupuncture has successfully treated millions of people over the past 3,000 years.
Why choose Marcia to be your acupuncturist?
Marcia is a compassionate and attentive healer. She will encourage you to understand your body and learn to listen to what it is saying to you. The body has a tremendous ability to heal itself and as you learn to listen and respond to its promptings you will begin to realize tremendous healing.
Marcia uses an integrated approach to acupuncture utilizing both Five Element Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Marcia's approach addresses both the relief of symptoms and the treatment of the root causes of disease. She will address different causes of disease such as emotional, environmental and lifestyle. Using this ancient form of healing, Marcia will help you to achieve optimum health and vitality of body, mind and spirit.
Marcia uses an integrated approach to acupuncture utilizing both Five Element Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Marcia's approach addresses both the relief of symptoms and the treatment of the root causes of disease. She will address different causes of disease such as emotional, environmental and lifestyle. Using this ancient form of healing, Marcia will help you to achieve optimum health and vitality of body, mind and spirit.